New Reflections Counseling, Inc.
Professional Christian Counseling
If you have any questions you may call one of the numbers or use our online contact form. All correspondence is held in strict confidence.

Matt Pavlik MA, LPCC-S
Matt Pavlik MA, LPCC-S
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, Supervisor
License #: E.0006835
Counseling Degree (highest attained): M.A. in Clinical Pastoral Counseling; May 2000
School Attended (highest attained): Ashland Theological Seminary

Web Contact Form: Send a Message
Primary Work Phone: 937-776-7290
Primary Location Address: Centerville Office (267), 267 Regency Ridge Dr, Dayton, OHIO 45459
Secondary Work Phone: 877-404-4707 x711
Secondary Location Address: Home Office (2868): 2868 Keever Rd
Secondary Location Address: Home Office (295): 295 Silvertree Ln
Secondary Location Address: Centerville Office, 6784 Loop Rd, Dayton, OHIO 45459

Area(s) of Competence:
Provides counseling for individuals, couples, and adult families. Provides supervision and clinical oversight.

Christian Counseling, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Counseling, Personal and Social Counseling, Family Counseling, Group Counseling, Mental Health Counseling, Supervision, May Independently Diagnose and Treat Mental and Emotional Disorders, May provide training supervision to individuals seeking licensure as professional clinical counselors and work supervision to professional counselors.
Area(s) of Special Focus:
Recovery from: Abuse, Neglect, Abandonment, Infidelity, Trauma, Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder (PTSD), Complex PTSD, Anxiety, Panic, Dissociation, Poor Self-Esteem, Insecurity, Codependency, Distance from God, Loneliness, Depression, Loss

Help with: Emotional and Spiritual Healing, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Finding your Identity, Confidence, Boundaries, Trusting, Marriage Restoration, Recovery from Abusive Relationships, Living Life Single, Dating Decisions, Divorce Prevention (Pre-Engagement and Pre-Marital Counseling), Grieving, Personal Growth as an Introvert, Getting in Touch with Feelings, Sorting through Out-of-Control Emotions, Spiritual Growth and Connecting to God
Counseling Approach:
I balance compassionate listening with direct questions and sharing my insights. I take time to really know you and provide personalized care. I patiently walk you through the process of healing deep hurts. I assign homework as appropriate to facilitate growth and healing. I will help you find the root causes of your concerns and develop a closer relationship with Jesus. True healing involves experiencing truth and grace through a relationship with Jesus.

Accomplished by: Christian Counseling Talk Therapy, Christian Spiritual Direction, Inner Healing Prayer, Formational Counseling, and EMDR. These therapies include a blend of Spiritual, Experiential, Cognitive, Emotional, and Behavioral approaches.
Professional Memberships:
American Association of Christian Counselors.
Matt Pavlik is a licensed professional clinical counselor who wants to see each individual restored to their true identity. He's written two books: Confident Identity helps you find your God-given identity and Marriage From Roots To Fruits helps you understand and grow a better relationship. Matt has more than 15 years of experience counseling individuals and couples at his Christian counseling practice, New Reflections Counseling. He completed his Masters in Clinical Pastoral Counseling from Ashland Theological Seminary and his Bachelors in Computer Science from the University of Illinois. Matt and his wife Georgette have been married over 15 years and live with their four children in Centerville, Ohio. He founded New Reflections Counseling, Inc. in 2003. Matt became a Christian July 1991. His mission is to use the wisdom he receives from God to help others understand God’s design for life. Learn more at MattPavlik.Pro and Christian
"As a marriage counselor, Matt helped me by being a true neutral party. He gave simple, sound advice, which was easy to put in place and to see the results.

"Matt helped me understand how my childhood has effected my marriage. He helped me understand there are boundaries to which no one should cross and I have the power and ability to set those boundaries."

"Matt listened and directed my thinking in a way that made sense. He helped me rediscover my God relationship. God and I have a much better relationship because of counseling."

"Matt helped me understand how to think of others to have a fulfilling life. He helped me see the need to break out of my safe zone and take risks to do things in different ways to achieve different results. He helped me understand the relationship between how I was nurtured or not nurtured as a child and mapping my views of my parents onto God whereas I should map the ideal view onto God and rely on that ideal to be met not the limited defective images I've seen through my parents."

"Matt has several skills as a counselor that I have appreciated during the five months I was in counseling. The first skill is his ability to ask questions that go right to the heart of the issue. Sometimes I did not like his questions, however, through answering them I was able to begin to see more clearly the real problem. Secondly, Matt challenged my thinking pattern. He helped me to begin to see how my thought pattern was dysfunctional. He also showed me a way to begin making my own decisions based on my priorities instead of impulsive thinking. Finally, the books, handouts, and exercises Matt had me read or complete were helpful. They showed me new ways of looking at different situations. They taught me life skills to use to deal with problems in my life."

"I was very glad to be able to be in contact with a Christian counselor to begin with. Matt Pavlik is easy to talk to and comfortable to be around, even for someone who has been uncomfortable around strangers their whole life. Matt showed concern and redirected my thoughts, when I needed for my highest good. He was patient with me which was greatly needed. He pointed out directly and indirectly both, of how and what my idea of how things should be, how they really were and the compromising of myself that was a factor concerning a relationship I was in. I am not in that relationship any longer because Matt helped me realize the control that I actually do have over my life and he reminded me that I am the most important person in my life. I have expressed the joy and the bad aspects of my life to him and I am glad that he was there to hear me when no one else was. I thank Matt very much for these things that have helped shaped my future relationships that will always be in my mind."

"Matt helped us by formulating a plan to resolve conflict in a fair way. He helped us assess the weaknesses in our marriage in a fair way without overly laying blame on the other person. He helped us understand the need to own responsibility for our actions without explaining/rationalizing them on the basis of what the other person did."

"Matt was very sensitive to the emotional turmoil our family was going through. I felt totally comfortable sharing parental concerns and highly negative emotions concerning our difficulties with our child."

"He was skillful in using questions and careful listening not only to understand my difficulties, but also to help me understand my problems myself. There was certainly a safe environment where I knew items were discussed and challenged for my benefit. Counseling was definitely one of the best investments I've made. Probably one of the most beneficial aspects of counseling was the demonstration of God's grace visibly through the counselor's patience and matter-of-fact manner of addressing difficult topics. Matt validated my feelings and perceived situation as real and worthy of attention, while sensitively turning my eyes to see God's position, character, and purpose. He demonstrated excellent intuition, reading my nonverbal communication and pulling together details I had shared, and then relaying insights back to me."

"He helped me understand the reasons for my problem and find God as the mechanism to fill voids."

"He helped me by being patient and listening as I explored my questions and concerns."